Latest news update about;Pizza Hut Singapore Pizza Hut has launched a JWT Singapore-created integrated campaign to introduce its Cheesy 7 Pizza.Along with traditional media across print, TV, OOH and POSM, the campaign boasts of a social media component which aims to spark conversation on the premise that people are naturally intrigued by things that are ‘forbidden'.Over the past three weeks, a personality figure, ‘The Guru', a
‘quack' motivational speaker who warns people against giving in to indulgences, has gone around propagating an anti-indulgence campaign to Pizza Hut Singapore's Facebook fans."We are delighted that response has been overwhelming for this pizza and sales have surpassed last year by over 20%," Juliana Lim, marketing director for Pizza Hut Singapore said."As the pizza was sheer indulgence, we wanted to create a campaign that not only encouraged the enjoyment of it, but also to remind people that in this organic-diet world we live in, it's silly to deprive yourself of some pleasures," Ed Cheong, JWT Singapore's creative group head said.All elements of the campaign lead to an online promotional challenge which kicked off yesterday with the unveiling of ‘The Guru.'Pizza Hut Singapore.