Bristol Palin Says No To Sex Before Marriage, Los Angeles,She became an unwed mother at the age of 18, but Bristol Palin, the eldest daughter of controversial politician Sarah Palin has vowed to not have sex before marriage. At 19, Bristol admits that it is tough raising one-year-old son Tripp on her own adding that she wants other girls to learn from the mistakes that she made, reported Us magazine online.

The teen aged daughter of the former Vice Presidential candidate was speaking during an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show. “The lack of sleep definitely surprised me.

A typical day starts at 4, 4:30 am. I have this big supportive family and stuff, but I just felt so alone,” she said.

“It felt just like a breaking point where reality sunk in that, yeah, I have a kid. This is my life.

This is my full-time job now,” said Bristol who has since broken up with the father of her young son, Levi Johnston. Though she wishes she was at college with her friends, “I have a beautiful baby boy, and he’’s awesome,” saidBristol, who is now seeking sole custody of her son.

She said she hopes other young girls will learn from her story and wait to have sex until marriage. “I just think it’’s a goal to have, and I think other young women should have that goal,” she said.

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