Ellen Degeneres UCSD
Ellen Degeneres UCSD-UCSD are you ready for Ellen DeGeneres? Ellen DeGeneres alerts UCSD Tritons about a surprise for her Ellen Show’s broadcast Thursday, via
Ellen’s UCSD twitter announcement started last Wednesday afternoon and continued throughout the evening. Ellen first alerted followers Wednesday afternoon that San Diego
Followers: I’m having another Twitter challenge in San Diego tomorrow. Keep following my tweets-it pays off!
From there Ellen gave a more specific San Diego location, namely UCSD:
I’m doing another Twitter game tomorrow, & the location is a big surprise. On an unrelated note: UCSD students-practice your surprise faces!
And finally at 10 pm last night, DeGeneres put UCSD on blast, telling them to get ready for the campus
Hey UCSD Tritons are you creative? Do you like prizes? Watch my tweets tomorrow. You never know what I’m gonna do! source:lalate.com
read more:http://www.funrose.com/ellen-degeneres-ucsd/19357.html
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