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Giving Anonymously|Funrose

Giving Anonymously FunroseGiving Anonymously|Funrose-A Bellingham-based organization that assists people in helping others is growing in popularity – and getting on national TV.As word has been getting out about Giving Anonymously through local and national media coverage over the past three weeks, it has seen a surge in gifts, said Lionel Thompson, who founded the nonprofit organization in 2007 with his wife, Misha.

It may be getting more national exposure Friday, Sept. 18, when NBC Nightly News plans to run a segment about the organization and Mi Shoes, a Bellingham shoe store that was the recipient of a $5,000 gift from an anonymous donor. The segment is expected to run during the 6 p.m. news program on KING5.

“We’ve had to grow quickly to process all the gifts coming in,” said Thompson, who recently added four volunteers to help.

In the last three weeks, the organization has received $54,000 in gifts that are being given out to recipients without revealing the identity of the donor. Prior to the recent surge in gifts, the organization assisted in giving $215,000 through 400 gifts.

With Giving Anonymously becoming better known across the country, Thompson said the agency also has received more than 400 e-mails from people who need help. The organization was originally set up only to allow donors to give a gift to a specific person or business, but Thompson said they are looking into developing a way to match donors with people in need.

Mi Shoes, which received the $5,000 gift from an anonymous person who had heard owner Michelle Millar was having trouble filling inventory, has seen a significant change in business since an article on the gift appeared in The Bellingham Herald on Tuesday, Aug. 25. The business is at 1315 Railroad Ave.

“The first two days after the story came out in the newspaper were my two best days in terms of sales this year,” Millar said. “People came by, wanting to see the new shoes and talk about the story. One-and-a-half months ago, I was in tears nearly every day because I thought I would have to close. I’m amazed at how things have turned around.”

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