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Deposed President Attacked By Hunduras Defecto Govt

Deposed President Attacked By Hunduras Defecto Govt

Deposed President Attacked By Hunduras Defecto GovtTEGUCIGALPA: Honduras’ de facto government attacked deposed President Manual Zelaya on Saturday for wasting six million dollars of public funds on horses, vacations and Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Government officials distributed a lengthy list of what they claimed were Zelaya’s pet luxury items, including cash for the upkeep of his horses as well as airline tickets, jewelry, the use of a private helicopter, and his own top-of-the-range motorbike, local media reported.

In an audit of Zelaya’s expenses by judicial authorities, the mustachioed leader — who was ushered out of the country on June 28 in a military-backed coup — also spent money on expensive wines renting high-end real estate.

“By next week the High Court of Auditors will provide a report on each part of the investigation, and whether a criminal prosecution is appropriate,” said Renan Sagastume, the presiding judge for Honduras’ Superior Court of Auditors.

Meanwhile Honduras’ interim government said it would suspend visa-free travel with Brazil for diplomats and other officials.

On Thursday Brasilia announced it was temporarily suspending visa-free travel for all Hondurans to increase pressure on Tegucigalpa to allow the Zelaya’s return.

“We’re going to die, if necessary, to defend our homeland,” a defiant Micheletti declared Friday before thousands of protesters, in the face increasing international consternation at Zelaya’s ouster.

Washington this week cut off around 30 million dollars in aid to Honduras, in a bid to press the coup leaders to accept a Costa Rican brokered plan to restore the ousted president.

Zelaya, who met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday in Washington, welcomed the US move decision and said the coup leaders were becoming increasingly isolated.

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