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Annie Le Lab Technician

Annie Le Lab Technician-A Yale Lab Technician could be a possible suspect in the Annie Le case. A Lab Technician is the possible suspect in the Annie Le investigation says a report Tuesday.
As reported on LALATE Monday, police said they did not have a suspect. Yet ABC said otherwise, that an individual is suspected having failed a lie detector. Now Tuesday police are now finally confirming the same details.

Annie Le Lab TechnicianNew Haven police spokesman Joe Avery again skirted the issue saying they have a suspect “in custody

“Just a note to clarify there are no suspects in custody and no students involved in this case.”

Reports now say that the location of Annie Le’s work was restricted by security passes to only researchers / lab technicians. While the broader area in the building was restricted to certain researchers and techs, when you got to this basement room the actual researcher solely had access, no one else.

The motive? Insiders believe it was someone who had a crush on Le and were angered she denied their advances. Le was killed days before her wedding.

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