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ACORN video #4: Brothel 101

San Bernardino, California ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) worker telling undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe and his associate Hannah Giles about how she ran a prostitution business, how she shot and killed her husband, and how on a daily bases she talks to multiple lawmakers one of them being Sen. Barbara Boxer.

ACORN employee Tresa Kaelke, told O’Keefe and Giles that she ran a prostitution business and that she knows how not to get caught. She would make $15,000 a month and the women who worked for her 10k. She told Giles, that if she beat the girls working for her, she would “get more out of them.” and that prostitution should be legal.

Kelke goes on to tell how she shot and killed her husband. She claims it was in self defense but says that she laid groundwork before, talking to agencies on how her husband was beating her. She said she has no problem with killing people.

The couple is then sent across the street to the home of Kaelke’s friend Jim Miller. Mr. Miller talks about disguising the brothel as a school and claiming it as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit. He also tells Giles how much prostitute competition there is on the San Bernardino streets and how much her ACORN video #4 Brothel 101competition charges. Kelke said if Miller told any body about the prostitution business, she would kill them.

Kelke then talked about how on a daily basis she lobbies State and Federal lawmakers on a daily basis. She name dropped some California state lawmakers and on a Federal level, United States Senator Barbara Boxer. There is no statement as of yet from Boxer’s office, but in a vote Monday she was one of 83 senators to approve of an amendment to defund ACORN.

ACORN of San Bernardino is the fourth of the association’s offices to be uncovered by O’Keefe and Giles operation and revealed on www.biggovernment.com. The couple has been going into ACORN offices undercover, Giles as a prostitute, and O’Keefe her boyfriend who in the future wants to be a Congressional candidate. They tell ACORN workers that they want to obtain housing to use as a brothel with underage El Salvadorean girls and funnel the funds into O’Keefe’s campaign.


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