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CNN.com Report Card on the Obama’s first 100 days

CNN.com Report Card on the Obama’s first 100 days. Now is your chance to grade the Obama administration and Congress on how they’ve handled the second 100 days in office. Is your chance to evaluate how good or how bad President Obama did his job over the last 100 days!

The CNN.com Report Card show nationally users gave Obama an approximate C grade for his performance in first 100 days of his administration with 52% nationally giving him a D or F on Obama’s handling of the Economy.

But the CNN.com Report Card results also separate voting state by state. In conservative versus liberal states, the results were the same with virtually all states polled giving Obama approximately a C vote.

In LALATE’s California, 41% gave Obama handling of the Economy a D or F, compared to the national average of 52%. But in LALATE’s Missouri, seen as a battleground swing state in the last election, users voted almost identical to the national average with 51% giving Obama a D or F vote.

The above numbers were on Obama’s handling of the Economy.

But how about Health Care? CNN.com Report Card Grade: D!

But the poll didn’t stop there. The CNN.com Report Card asked for people to decide about the Republicans in Congress, Joe Biden, even the media. Across the board, question by question, the national averages never got above a C+.

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